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segunda-feira, 23 de junho de 2014

Branding: Como Construir e Defender Marcas Eloi ZanettiConsultor...

Branding: Como Construir e Defender Marcas

Eloi ZanettiConsultor em Marketing e Comunicação,

As fer­ra­men­tas do mar­ket­ing serão usadas com mais eficiência e menos custo quan­to mais refi­na­do e pen­sa­do for o con­ceito que as sus­ten­ta.

A construção de uma marca (brand­ing) é, com certe …

Apple’s crackdown on incentivizing app installs means marketers...

Apple’s crackdown on incentivizing app installs means marketers need new tricks

James Connelly, Fetch,


Fol­low­ing the ini­tial buzz sur­round­ing Apple’s WWDC event ear­li­er this month, brands and mobile agen­cies are start­ing to come to terms with the impact Apple’s sig­nif­i­cant app store changes could have on them.

One of the…

Apple brings manual camera controls to iOS Lim­it­ed...

Apple brings manual camera controls to iOS 8

Lim­it­ed cam­era con­trol has often been a source of frus­tra­tion for users and devel­op­ers who want to flex their mobile pho­tog­ra­phy mus­cles with­in iOS. The default cam­era app has a very lim­it­ed set of con­trols avail­able, with a sim­…

Stanford’s Tina Seelig tells us the quick-and-dirty way to teach...

Stanford’s Tina Seelig tells us the quick-and-dirty way to teach both innovation and creativity (interview)

Dean Takahashi,

Tina Seel­ig recent­ly got one of the Oscars of Sil­i­con Val­ley. The SVFo­rum named hon­ored her as a win­ner of one of its annu­al Vision­ary Awards.

Seel­ig has taught inno­va­tion and cre­ativ­i­ty at Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty for the past 15…

KFC in China wants you to “calm your heart” in a Starbucks-style...

KFC in China wants you to “calm your heart” in a Starbucks-style hangout venue

Lily Kuo,

The chick­en itself has been a prob­lem for Yum Brands in China, where the com­pa­ny has strug­gled with an antibiotic-tainted poul­try scan­dal and lin­ger­ing fears about bird flu. So the com­pa­ny’s new focus for its its Chi­nese KFC chain is o…