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sábado, 24 de maio de 2014

5 cuidados ao estabelecer Este texto...

5 cuidados ao estabelecer parcerias

Este texto faz parte da coluna da Plataforma Brasil feito especialmente para os leitores do Saia do Lugar. Todos sabemos o quanto é difícil crescer sozinho. Sabemos também que não é fácil encontrar só …

7 Signs You are Not a Good Blogger Written by Karol K - 47...

7 Signs You are Not a Good Blogger

Written by Karol K - 47 Comments Categories: Blog, Blogging, Social Media,

The most impor­tant dis­tinc­tion is that being a good blog­ger is not the same thing as being a good writer. Writ­ing is a sin­gle activ­i­ty - you take an idea, and write an arti­cle around it. Blog …

Acompanhe e participe do Ronaldo Lemos, José...

Acompanhe e participe do Navegador

Ronaldo Lemos, José Marcelo Zacchi, Alê Youssef e Hermano Vianna dão exemplos de inovação, todas as segundas, às 21h30, na GloboNews.

Is your company ready for agile marketing? Ashley Friedlein,...

Is your company ready for agile marketing?

Ashley Friedlein,

Just over a year ago Econsultancy and Marketing Week published a Modern Marketing Manifesto, an attempt to try and capture what should constitute marketing as we move further into the 21st century.But only one of our twelve manifesto points…

Technology Transforming the Restaurant Experience: Mobile...

Technology Transforming the Restaurant Experience: Mobile Payment | Finance content from Nation’s Restaurant News

Feb 18, 2014 | FsVoice,

All aspects of our lives—both busi­ness and plea­sure—are being trans­formed as tech­nol­o­gy evolves. Consumer-facing tech­nol­o­gy in restau­rants, how­ev­er, is only now get­ting high vis­i­bil­i­t …

Facebook Introduces More Precise Audience Targeting Facebook...

Facebook Introduces More Precise Audience Targeting Facebook announced (April…

Face­book Intro­duces More Pre­cise Audi­ence Tar­get­ing Face­book announced (April 30th, 2014) the next phase of its new dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing plat­form, the… - Kristof­fer Howes - Google+

8 Must-Have Ingredients of a Successful Blog Post Neil Patel,...

8 Must-Have Ingredients of a Successful Blog Post

Neil Patel,

When it comes to mar­ket­ing online, you’ve prob­a­bly already heard that “con­tent mar­ket­ing” is one of the best ways to spread the world about your site and posi­tion your­self as an indus­try expert. But con­tent mar­ket­ing is not the same a…

Apple’s Healthbook will reportedly go beyond fitness to...

Apple’s Healthbook will reportedly go beyond fitness to analyze your blood

By Kwame Opam,

9to5Mac reports this morn­ing that Apple’s long-rumored fit­ness and health-tracking app Health­book is well on its way to real­i­ty. Designed to resem­ble Pass­book, the ambi­tious app will appar­ent­ly be able to ana­lyze every­thing from…

Groupon Introduces Gnome, an iPad-Powered Point-of-Sale...

Groupon Introduces Gnome, an iPad-Powered Point-of-Sale System

by Kelly Hodgkins,

Groupon today announced Gnome, a new point-of-sale sys­tem that inte­grates with the com­pa­ny’s net­work of daily local deals. The iPad-based sys­tem pro­vides a pay­ment pro­cess­ing sys­tem as well as cus­tomer man­age­ment tools for mer­chants…

Infográfico mostra como calcular valor social dos seus...

Infográfico mostra como calcular valor social dos seus clientes


O que é valor social? O Social Media Today tentou responder essa pergunta com um infográfico. Na verdade, esse valor se refere a como o comportamento do cliente dentro de métricas sociais, como redes sociais e número de visitas nas páginas, podem …

Amazon Invests $20M In Shanghai-Based Food Delivery Site...

Amazon Invests $20M In Shanghai-Based Food Delivery Site Yummy77

Catherine Shu,

Ama­zon has poured $20 mil­lion in Yummy77, a food deliv­ery site based in Shang­hai. Yummy77 con­firmed the fund­ing in a post on Weibo and said it will use the cap­i­tal to expand into new mar­kets and help Ama­zon’s China site expand its…

Google Overtakes Apple As The World’s Most Valuable...

Google Overtakes Apple As The World’s Most Valuable Brand

Agence France Presse,

US search engine Google has over­tak­en rival tech­nol­o­gy titan Apple as the world’s top brand in terms of value, glob­al mar­ket research agency Mill­ward Brown said Wednes­day.

Google’s brand value shot up 40 per­cent in a year to $158.84…

Mindy Grossman, CEO of HSN, Inc: Culture Trumps...

Smartphone future tech: Where can we possibly go from...

Smartphone future tech: Where can we possibly go from here?

There’s no doubt that the smart­phone has made amaz­ing strides since its hum­ble begin­nings. But late­ly I’ve heard a lot of peo­ple talk about how these days devices can have no room for real improve­ment. Every time a new flag­ship phone is du…

Público poderá fiscalizar fabricação da Zara por...

Público poderá fiscalizar fabricação da Zara por smartphone

Luísa Melo, de,

Etiquetas de roupas feitas no Brasil terão código que dá acesso a informações sobre seus fabricantes. Medida é resposta a casos de trabalho escravo

São Paulo - A partir do lançamento da próxima coleção de verão, consumidores poderão…

32 Hot Social Media Software Tools from Tool Providers Ian...

32 Hot Social Media Software Tools from Tool Providers

Ian Cleary,

Did you know that there are well over 1,000 social media software tools to choose from to help you manage your social media presence?We come across great tools on a regular basis. One of my favorite recent ones is OptinMonster which is a WordPress…

Publishing your first app in the Play Store: what you need to...

Publishing your first app in the Play Store: what you need to know

Gary Sims,

The eas­i­est way to dis­trib­ute an Android app is via the Google Play store. It isn’t the only dis­tri­b­u­tion method, but it is the sim­plest way to reach mil­lions of poten­tial users. Pub­lish­ing your first app in the Play Store isn’t hard,…

Startup de gerenciamento de senhas ganha US$ 22 milhões para...

Startup de gerenciamento de senhas ganha US$ 22 milhões para expansão

Da redação de Pequenas Empresas e Grandes Negócios,

Schalit é o CEO da Dashlane, empresa que administra senhas de internet para usuários com muitas contas em diferentes plataformas (Foto: Divulgação)A Dashlane, uma empresa com cinco anos de vida especializada em serviços de gerenciamento de senhas…

quinta-feira, 15 de maio de 2014

Sandy Jacolow - Google+ - Knowing where to find your audience is key to success. A…

Sandy Jacolow - Google+ - Knowing where to find your audience is key to success. A…:

Know­ing where to find your audi­ence is key to suc­cess. A recent Har­vard’s Insti­tute of Pol­i­tics poll shows the Mil­len­ni­al impact on #SocialMedia. Face­book is still top dog with young adults …

19 apps para administrar os negócios

19 apps para administrar os negócios:

Natalia Horita, da,

Os aplicativos para celular que ajudam a gerir a empresa e a ganhar produtividade nas tarefas do dia a dia

São Paulo - Nem sempre o empreendedor pode estar no escritório para atender à demanda de funcionários, clientes e fornecedores. Com a…